Final demo (for CSC404)

Final log, experiment 1006 - the prototype.

Overall,  we have imported more assets into level 2 and level 3. We've also implemented a counting system that counts the number of "bubbles" that the player has collected (for you perfectionists out there). Here's what everyone in the team has done:

David - created the bubble counter system for all three levels (except the tutorial), as well as record the bubbles collected in the level select menu once the player completes a level

Jay - animation integration, tutorial + level 2 art integration, sound integration, some UI bug fixes

Jenny - level3 polish and art asset integration, bug fixes, polished camera, add wobble to pushable cups

Nicole - Attempted to crate an effect for dropping all liquids

The next things we will be focus on is to polish the feel when you jump on the edge of certain objects (i.e. not getting stuck on the side of a cup if the player keeps holding the forward joystick) as well as integrating more sound & animation.

End of log.

Get Porous Is He

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